EXHIBITION: “Boundaries” by Exhibit 8 Gallery in Cyprus Showcases the Dynamic Effects of Immigration

A change in environment results in a change to self.  Artists in Cyprus express their personal immigration experiences in the multidisciplinary “Boundaries” exhibition.

Cyprus’ unique Mediterranean location provides inhabitants and visitors with breathtaking landscapes, fresh cuisine, and rich traditions. One of its greatest appeals is its strategic location nestled in the waters between the Middle East and the European Union. The island is a natural crossroads for a myriad of cultures, and each makes an imprint on the societal and political landscape of the country. Today, almost a quarter of Cyprus’ population are migrants, and in 2021 the island’s government finalized a comprehensive national plan to create a more supportive and welcoming system for new settlers.*

Leaning on the important and largely unspoken effects of immigration, the Exhibit 8 gallery and the Paphos Women Artists present a multidisciplinary art exhibition called “Boundaries” that provides intimate views into the immigrant experience. A diverse group of artists from across the globe display their personal immigration and refugee memories through painting, photography, and mixed media. Their collective artistic research showcases the many pushes and pulls associated with making a new life in a new land. For those who were forced to leave their home due to war or conflict to those attracted to new opportunities, a change in environment results in a change to self.

Visitors to the exhibit are encouraged to ponder the effects of immigration through prompted questions like: Is immigration trauma? What kind of insecurities do immigrants face? Does immigration make people diverse or force them to change their roots?

In honor of the multidimensional exhibition theme, we spoke with some of our followers on their own immigration experiences, allowing them to share their voice and reveal the impact relocation had on them:

The “Boundaries” exhibit will be open until Friday, September 16th and includes a series of talks and workshops until then. The participating artists are: Stefanos Kouratzis, Iryna Manukovska, Ilona Za Kuzniatsova, Vassos Stylianou, Alina Voronezhskaya, Peter Moore, Miriam McConnon.  The artists each hold cultures from many lands like Greece, Ireland, England, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and Cyprus.

*Source: https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/country-governance/governance-migrant-integration-cyprus_en


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